I would like to apologize for trying to transfigure, albeit somewhat improperly, the Cartesian maxim “I think, therefore I am” into “I think, therefore I sleep,” since the human existence largely consists of eternal sleep. This is where the concept of “Plato’s cave” comes to my defense. Thinking while asleep underlines the passive state of sleeping. “Therefore” (the declaratory word in the Cartesiam maxim) means that, once again, we are caught asleep, despite trying to proclaim that we can think beyond sleep. Still, I insist: As I keep on thinking, I vaguely realize that I am asleep.
First of all, hoping that I am awake, I think and write texts that are God-sent, the divine as well as the ceremonial sulfur. Just a try.
Second, going back to the realms of Cartesius and those defined by all philosophers, greater or “lesser.” Philosophizing thoughts. That is, attempts at philosophy, yet in no way philosophy. At least not obviously or conspicuously, perhaps latently.
At place number three, a divine number in our world, is the tinge of science. I reluctantly admit that…yes, I am a scientist. Therefore, I am entitled to venture beyond the vulgar discourse of sleep and into the scientific realm. Genuine scientific thought is timid, yet imperative. It is expressed in the form of rule, because it necessarily follows from a methodological paradigm. One thing I cannot do is to stammer through scientific discourse without becoming verbose. For this third point, I simply ask to be excused.