Costas Ant. Petrakis

of Communication and Culture
Lecturer at Digital Media
& Communication Dep.
Faculty of Information
Science & Informatics
Ionian University


 From that moment confined to their homes.
With their terrible problems. Only pain touched them.
Their pain. Suddenly, on two pages their whole life.
Rushing to expose their livelihood with dangerous fluency.
All for a place in the series for stripping their lives.

I was born in Athens in1966. I stydied Sociology at Panteion University, Greece.

I hold a doctorate in Media and Communication from Panteion University.

My research interests relate to the theory and application of communication, civilisation and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). I am author of the book “The Subversive Laughter” (in Greek). I work as copywriter and consultant on applied communication and CSR. I have taught at the Tecnological Educational Institutes of Athens and Patras. Since 2007, I have served as faculty at the Department of Digital Media and Communication of the Ionian University, Greece. I have been editor of the volume Civilisation, Communication, Globalisation.


Affiliation: Lecturer, Department of Digital Media and Communication, Ionian University, Greece